Hello Sacred Heart school families!
I am thrilled to announce that I, along with other staff members, will be offering an outdoor exercise club in the 4th quarter!
We will likely be walking on the sidewalks in the middle of campus and doing some light to moderate exercises, appropriate for outdoors .
We will meet in the front lobby of the school at 7:35 am (so kids will need to enter school by 7:30 to get things put away to participate) and it will run until 7:50 am.
Exercise club will be offered every day that we are in session and the weather permits.
Any child wishing to participate will need to check in with homeroom teachers first and get bags unpacked.
If a child misses the group (meaning we have already left the lobby), they will not be able to participate that day and will need to return to homeroom.
Exercise club will be offered to offer to 2nd through 8th grade only, no exceptions.
If a child is being disruptive or not following directions, they will be sent back to their classroom at the discretion of the staff member.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Nurse Mary