April 29, 2022

It is hard to believe that when we come to school on Monday, it will be May.

I was reminded by two different sources this week about the importance of parents keeping an eye on technology. I received an email reporting second hand that some inappropriate images were shared among  middle elementary students. I also received a report from a student about how a group chat ended up with some pretty threatening things being said. Legally, if these things get brought to our attention at school, we need to deal with them.

When my kids were young they told me about one of their friends sending a picture of her in her workout gear to a person in one platform or another.  Of course, my kids didn't want me to talk to her parents. I remember the struggle of what to do. Some people told me that I shouldn't tell because it wasn't really that bad or that it isn't my business.  In the end, I did call,  I just couldn't let the learning moment go by...

This week I checked with some local law enforcement about the reports I received. This can be very serious stuff. I know we have had speakers for parents and students about these topics . I guess it is like fire drills in school, we really need to hear the same thing often for it to make a difference.  Watch for information about guest speakers, parent information, etc.

I am very excited for Brown Bottle this weekend and teacher appreciation next week. On Wednesday, when we have May Crowning, we will be showing love to the teachers as well. When you grab a flower for Mary, maybe grab an extra one for the teachers (or a note of thanks or a handmade flower works too).

Happy May. God bless!

Kathy Rhodes


4th - - All School Mass (May Crowning Mass)

6th - - Spirit Day 

9th - - No School - - School of Faith for teachers

11th - - All School Mass

17th - - All School Mass (8th grade graduation Mass)

           8th Grade Graduation

20th - - All School Serve Day - - more info to come

23rd - - Field Day - - more info to come

25th - - All School Mass            Last day of school - - 11:30 dismissal