
Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia! For he, whom you did merit to bear, alleluia! Has risen as he said, alleluia! Regina Coeli

This Easter Season, the school is praying the Regina Coeli at the end of the school day. It is a great way to stay close to our Mother Mary during the month of May.

It was a beautiful May Crowning. Although, there is still  a lot to do this year, as we completed our last Adoration this week and prayed the Litany to the Sacred Heart the last time Friday, I get a little sad with the last things!  We are looking forward to celebrating all our students, but especially the class of 2022. Thank you for all you did to celebrate the great teachers, nurse, cooks, and administrative staff this week - we were beyond spoiled and know that we are blessed to work in such a great community.

I am excited to announce that Mrs. Michelle Cooney (current sub in first grade) will be our new first grade teacher next year. Today, Miss Patty Judd was hanging out with us and we look forward to her joining us this fall.

Please see the documents tab for the chance to order school supplies to be delivered for the fall.  

If you are looking for tutors, the SHOJ teachers doing this was published in the news feed.  Watch for a test text message Monday from the school. We will start using this new system solely in the fall with push notifications to help our communication. 

Remember, no school May 9. 

We are Called,

Kathy Rhodes