Rooted in Christ

…it is not you that sustain the root, but the root that sustains you. Romans 11:18

I would like to welcome new families and those returning to the 2022-2023 school year. I am excited to introduce the logo and theme, ROOTED in CHRIST (spoiler alert for the spirit shirts). As The Bible verse from Romans says, it is the root that sustains us. For us Catholics that root is our faith.  We look forward to growing during the 2022-2023 school year and having the deep roots in our faith go deeper as well. There is a team working on ideas to help us live this theme during the school year and we are excited to share it with the students.

Did your mom say, “July 4th means we are half way through the summer?” Mine did.  It still sticks with me.  It was the time of year when my kids were little that we got serious about summer reading, practicing math facts, etc. Still today July 4th is a time to look at the list of tasks I made and get busy checking them off before August.

Just a reminder about the school App. Three main benefits for families are:

1. Stay up-to-date with school announcements

2. Learn about upcoming events

3. Access needed contact information quickly


Download for Android

Download for iPhone

Please download it (for free) and enable the notifications (we may add more groups later – this will be how you will know if school is cancelled). 

The App is part of the new website that went live in the spring. The beauty of this new platform is that we can update the website and the app at the same time. On the app menu you will find: 1) the feed that shows most Facebook posts; 2) the calendar will have events; 3) the contact info is to reach out to staff via email or phone; 4) dining will have the lunch menu; and 5) documents file has PDFs of school supply list, year at a glance calendar and more. There are other categories, but these are the start.  Also, check out our business sponsor. The weekly newsletter will continue to be posted on Friday, but other posts (counselor or nurse, for example) will appear at different times. A good habit will be to check the feed a few times a week.

On the main page of the website ( you will see the latest news articles. If you click the menu, you will find buttons to get to pages similar to the app. Below those, there will be categories listed such as parents, students, calendar, enrollment, etc. When you click on these you will find more information such as the google calendar, paper work for aftercare enrollment, and The Rosary Podcasts (from last year’s 8th graders, under students). Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Chapman if you have any questions.

The facilities team is working hard to get everything ready for a great year. The new entrance will be complete and there will be a new check in process for visitors and students in and out of the building. More details to come. Hot lunch will continue being prepared here as last year but the government has not extended the free program, you will be able to apply for free or reduced lunch as we will still participate in the program. Lunch prices will be around $4 (after our application with the state, they have some minimum information). Also, the link to order uniforms is updated on the website on the parent page. As we near the first weeks of August, look for the electronic link to get the school year started (shirt and yearbook orders, lunch deposits, activity fees, etc.).

But, first, we have another half of summer to finish up. I pray that you find time for the important things: faith, family and fun. The office continues to be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9-12. Please reach out and let us know if you need anything.