Kindest Kansas Citian Contest

It’s that time again!! It's time for the  2023 Kindest Kansas Citian contest! I can’t wait to feel the love in the building through our student’s essays about the special people they nominate. 

Here’s what you need to know about the contest:

If students want to participate, they need to submit a one-page essay and/or a drawing (see contest rules for age groups below) describing the KIND and caring ways of someone who is…

18 years or older

NOT in their family

Living in the KC metro area

The deadline for the submissions is Friday, February 15th.

Contest rules:

Kindergarten through 2nd grade students are encouraged to draw a picture of their nominee and write a two sentence description about that person.

3rd through 5th grade students are encouraged to write a minimum of four sentences on their submission form describing their nominee.  

6th through 8th grade students are encouraged to write a one page essay describing their nominee.

Click below to print the forms. I will also have them located in an envelope outside my office here at school...