We did some celebrating tonight. We had an event called "Thankful Thursday" and we walked away with REALLY full hearts. We didn't stop to take pictures. We were just present in the moment and it was good. We love our Sacred Heart families and are thankful to Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church for breathing life into our school!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
God Bless America! Sacred Heart honored the Veterans in our church and school community. Many of us were moved to tears as Father Zarse spoke of the many battles in the Bible and how our veterans share that same courage as they work for peace and justice. The veterans in attendance received a blessing at the close of the Mass. Thank you to our veterans for the tremendous witness they give by offering their life to the service of others.
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
"We all have a vocation. We believe that God has placed us in this life to fill a special need that no one else can accomplish." St. Francis De Sales It's vocation awareness week. At Sacred Heart we will say an additional prayer to hear our vocation and have special lessens during the week. Today Deacon Nicholas visited the third graders to teach them that the way that we serve God in our church is our vocation. He reminded them that we need silence to hear what God is asking and should discern one thing at a time. We continue to pray for those serving the church with a religious vocation and those discerning as well.
9 months ago, Kathy Rhodes
“Music is capable of opening minds and hearts to the dimension of the spirit and leads people to lift their gaze to the Most High, to open themselves to the absolute Good and Beauty whose ultimate source is in God.” -Pope Benedict XVI Congratulations to these East Central Kansas Music Educators (ECKMEA) District Band & Orchestra Middle School Students! We are inspired by the way they honor God through the gift of music. We also LOVE to see the face of a former (and forever) Cardinal as she shares her musical gifts playing cello alongside the choir at All School Mass. Thank you to Dr. Helen Harrelson-Director of Instrumental Music at Saint James Academy, Mr. David Kaemmer-Saint James Academy Chamber Orchestra, and SHOJ's Music teacher-Mrs. Cindy Reynolds for their collaboration of talents to help our students make beautiful music, all for the glory of God!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
9 months ago, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School
The Rhodes Ahead
On Wednesday, November 8th at our All School Mass (8:15), we honor the Veterans within our Sacred Heart community. If you or your family has a Veteran special to your heart that you would like to invite, Father will recognize them with a special blessing at the end of Mass. Please RSVP if your child(ren) will attend a brief reception after Mass with a Veteran. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVGSHealWkFVzTOz7nVyw13pTFXB3VAJvC2AKE1m2rLDIjgA/viewform?usp=sf_link
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
“If you learn everything except Christ, you learn nothing. If you learn nothing except Christ, you learn everything.”- Saint Bonaventure SHOJ Scholars Bowl Coach and School Parent Janae Melvin is smiling from ear to ear as she poses with the 2023-2024 SHOJ Scholar's Bowl Team. The Cardinal team competed well at the Saint James Academy Scholar's Bowl on Monday, 10/30. Thank you, Cardinal students, parents, and Coach Melvin for representing SHOJ. We are so proud of you!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
Scholars Bowl 23-24 Team
Part 2 of our Sweet Sixth Graders sharing their creative writing with their adorable Kindergarten buddies!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
"I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things for the greater glory of God." St. Dominic Savio Check out these cuties! 6th graders learned how to mimic craft by modeling their own creative writing after a famous children’s book. Not only did they revel in sharing their books with their kindergarten buddies, but they generously allowed their buddies to draw all the pictures!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
“A community needs a soul if it is to become a true home for human beings. You.. the people must give it this soul.” - Saint John Paul II On Friday, October 27, two images were captured that reflect the Sacred Heart School story so beautifully. At night, a pic was snapped of Megan Abbott and Jamie Shada, Trunk or Treat Coordinators. Megan also spearheaded the Book Fair this past week. They, along with 44 other volunteers who contributed their time to Trunk or Treat and the Book Fair, reflect what Saint John Paul II suggests here about community. Earlier that day, we spied some of our cherished SH school parents who began a holy friendship within the walls of Sacred Heart years ago. Their children, now grown and ranging from college age to married and starting families, grew up as Cardinals. These parents came to know each other through having children in the same classes and volunteering as PTO (now CPS) leaders, lunchroom volunteers, event coordinators, etc. They were some of the many witnesses to a generation of parents on how to establish community and foster holy friendships. When I slid in next to them for Mass, I asked, “What’s the occasion ?” The answer: “To pray for our world.” That is the end game for all of us: holy friends praying for the world. We look to one another as witnesses, knowing that we are connected through faith to the forever family of Cardinals. From the families of (pictured in prayer together) Mayfield, Vlach, Warlop, Rieke, Kubicki and Dwyer to those who came before them, to those of us now, to the generations to follow. One Family In Christ.
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
"We are all one family in the world.”- Saint John Paul II Friday night, 99 Sacred Heart families assembled in the parking lot for Trunk or Treat. It is hard to tell who was more excited- the young children in their costumes or the young at heart in their costumes. So grateful for the time we spend together as one family. The Two Trunk Winners: The Prime Girls- Katie Waldo, Crystal Kennedy, Rachel Harbaugh The Science Lab- Jason and Kelli Lilly
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
Check out the latest edition of The Rhodes Ahead - SHOJ's weekly newsletter. Click the link: https://shoj.edurooms.com/engage/shoj-catholic-school/newsletters/the-rhodes-ahead-oct-27-2023
9 months ago, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School
The Rhodes Ahead 10/27/23
Come learn all there is to know about kindergarten at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School! Join us in the school library to get all of your questions answered. We will cover curriculum, how to know if your child is ready, the requirements, and more. Please RSVP to Kathy.rhodes@shoj.org - Childcare is available.
9 months ago, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School
Kdg IInfo Night 11/16/23
"And over all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14 Thankful Thursday is two weeks from today, so make your reservations now by completing the Google Form sent to you via email. Questions? Kathleen.Hess@SHOJ.ORG There will be no CYO practices this evening to provide time for us to share time together. God Bless You!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
Thankful Thursday
“Women comprehend not merely with the intellect but also with the heart.”- St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross One of our 8th grade students received national attention for her team's accomplishments in women's baseball- think "A League of Their Own." One of the original Belles, the team that inspired the movie, was there to witness the action as our 8th grader played a tourney in Kentucky. The team and its founder were featured this week on The Kelly Clarkson Show where our student's coach was given tickets to the World Series. Not to brag BUT our 8th grader pitched, played Right Field, and hit .500 over both tournaments. Just sayin! Thank you, God, for allowing our students to glorify you in sports.
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
When we learn to see life through the eyes of a child, that is when we become truly wise.-St. Teresa of Calcutta Our Faith Families, groups of students grades K-4, are led by our 5th graders. It is an opportunity for our youngest souls to build community through group activity and prayer. Here, they are celebrating the Church's dedication to the Holy Rosary as they each build a link in the chain of a classroom Rosary. https://youtube.com/shorts/EN1_SAAj1wE?feature=shared (You may need to cut and paste this little gem in your browser.)
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
"Man should tremble, the world should quake, all Heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest."- St. Francis of Assisi Well, St. Francis, what more can be said ? I think that pretty much sums it up. On Wednesday, we were so blessed to share Mass and a reception afterwards with these beautiful 1st grade families. Love our SHOJ community!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
To sing is to pray twice. - Saint Augustine Our music teacher, Mrs. Reynolds, brings an energy to her vocation that our students connect with. Four of our middle schoolers (pictured here) performed as a part of The Swingin' Saints Honor Show Choir. They will have another performance on Thursday, January 11. 42 SHOJ students in grades 3-8 auditioned for State honor choirs. Choir rosters are announced in mid-November. Selected champions will travel to Wichita for the Kansas Music Educators Association’s annual conference in February. They will perform after attending workshops with highly esteemed clinicians. Mrs. Reynolds also invited the St. James Choir to sing for us at a November assembly. So many sweet sounds!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess
The Rhodes Ahead - October 20, 2023 Click the link to check out this week's edition of the SHOJ School Newsletter: https://shoj.edurooms.com/engage/shoj-catholic-school/newsletters/the-rhodes-ahead-oct-20-2023
9 months ago, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School
The Rhodes Ahead
“Motherhood is the gift of God to women. How grateful we must be to God for this wonderful gift that brings such joy to the whole world, women and men alike!”- St. Teresa of Calcutta Donuts+Moms+Kids. That’s quite the collaboration. Thank you for a beautiful morning celebrating the vocation of Motherhood!
9 months ago, Kathleen Hess